A New Studio Wasn’t Built in a Day
I’m feeling that what started on September 1, 2019 as a huge empty space has quickly shrunk in size! In early September, a crane truck took two loads of heavy raw stone and my equipment from storage to the studio and I’ve been ferrying smaller items in my truck each time I go. I’ve been outfitting the studio to suit my specific needs and there is still a ways to go before I really feel at home. I’ve built a wet room, installed a small kitchette and bought some industrial racking so I can utilize some of the vertical space.
I’ve had to engage sub-trades for some of the work, and that has meant delays, as all are very busy. I finally got the gallery track light equipment and they got hooked up by the electrician last Friday. Michelle and I are looking into getting the gallery floor redone, so pedestals and sculptures will not sit under the new lights just yet.
I must admit, I am impatient to get started work, and the process has been longer than I anticipated. But I’m making headway, albeit slowly. The next hurdle is getting clearance for my business licence. I know from experience that this step could prove to be lengthy, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
I’m looking forward to opening the doors soon, so stay tuned….