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  /    /  Marta


  • created 2024
  • cipollino marble & granite
  • 9”H x 8”W x 3.5”D    (23cmH x 20cmW x 19cmD)
  • private collection, Seattle, WA, USA

This abstracted female torso is carved from a variety of marble called cipollino, which is quarried in the Cararra area of Italy. Cipollino is Italian for onion and this alludes to the grey/green striations that run through the creamy white background of this marble.


One can discern the attributes  of the female form – thighs, hips, waist shoulders and neck, but Michael has stylized the details of the breasts and buttocks into a single curved edge. These marry into the other edges that define the hips, thighs, shoulders and neck and together, these carry the viewer’s eye around the sculpture.


Michael has given the surfaces of the figure a silky smooth matte finish and this allows the stone to hold shadows beautifully and contrasts against the highly polished black granite base.


The sculpture can turn on the stainless steel mounting pin, so one can orientate the sculpture to any desired position.