While carving this sculpture, I intended the composition to be vertical. However, Michelle very astutely observed it would be much more successful horizontally, and she was right!
The undulating curved edges of this sculpture and the negative spaces on the upper smooth sides, combined with the white striated patterns in the black background of the marble remind me of tumultuous ocean waves, as if in a storm. The white markings look like frothing water and the black colour is indicative of a dark stormy environment. The underside is a long, slow curve and the piece balances on a small section, making another negative space between the ground and the sculpture. This gives a sense of weightlessness to the art work.
I’ve carved the sculpture from nero marquina marble that was quaried in northeastern Spain. Along with the white striations, there are a myriad of patterns in the multi shaded black background. The busyness of the stone patterns marries well with the simple, elegant lines and surfaces of the abstract form, giving the viewer the opportunity to enjoy the details of the stone as one passes one’s hands over the simple shape.
Look at this sculpture in 3D, turning it with your mouse: