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Binkley Completes His Andalusian Residency

michael binkley sculotor stone sculpture artist in residence andalusia spain kitty harri sculpture garden

I have completed my Artist in Residency at the Kitty Harri Sculpture Garden in Andalusia, Spain. It has been a wonderful experience and I produced two large sculptures for the permanent international art collection which I hope will be enjoyed by others in the future. Here are two related previous posts – my beginning of my residency and nearing the end.

My December sculpture is titled “Macael Maiden”:

And my January sculpture is titled “Emergence”:

It was sad to take our leave of the Garden and our two months living at Casa Sofia in neighbouring Otivar, but we have made fast friends of Kitty and Nick, and we are confident we will return some day.

Let me know what you think of these two sculpture in the comment section below.

Comments: 4

  • February 15, 2019

    We had the immense pleasure and privilege to host Michael and his wife Michelle in our sculpture garden. Michael rook up his residency in early December 2018 and stayed for two months, sculpting these two magnificent works for our permanent collection. Apart from being a superb artist and master of his craft, Michael and Michelle were a pleasure to have around. Michael contributed hugely to our Open Days and with visiting groups, giving our visitors the additional to interest and pleasure of seeing the artist in action. Thank you again Michael for your wonderful contribution.

  • Ann

    February 18, 2019

    We had the pleasure of seeing EMERGENCE yesterday and it was breathtaking. I loved the transluscence. Your talent to shape the marble to such a thin pointvis point is breathtaking. As a fellow Canadian, let us know if you decide to return and we’ll eat French Toast with maple syrup (definitely not on the menu here in Andalucía)!

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