Binkley creates 2011 FANS Award for Anna Wyman
I was commissioned by the Fund for Arts on the North Shore (FANS) to create this year’s award which was presented to Anna Wyman. It was one of my abstracted bird sculptures and is pictured above left. I received a flattering phone call from Ms. Wyman a few days after the presentation wherein she thanked me for such a beautiful piece.
In 1995, FANS was established to increase the public’s understanding and appreciation of the arts through a variety of programs. Each year the Society recognizes a North Shore artist who has achieved national or international acclaim and they receive the FANS Award. The Society has generated an endowment fund and also presents an emerging North Shore artist with the Don S. Williams Award of $1,000.00 towards the development of their talent.
The first recipient of the FANS Award was Robert Clothier, who played the role of Relic on the TV series The Beachcombers. In 1999, Bryan Adams received the FANS Award, which was a marble mobius created by me and is pictured above centre. The late impressionist painter, Daniel Izzard received my exuberant female figure as the FANS Award in 2000, above right. I worked with FANS those years to create the awards after a consultation process as they were trying to create a legacy image for the Society.
Due to budget restrictions, in 2001 FANS decided to invest more dollars into the endowment fund, and less to the award image. I agreed that their dollars should go to supporting emerging artists. FANS began to brand itself with a logo of clapping hands in front of an open paper fan and an all glass award which was used up until this year.
In 2004, I humbly accepted the FANS Award.
FANS was established under the umbrella of the then Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver, but now operates as an autonomous Society. Their commitment to our Arts Community is invaluable.