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Binkley Part of CPIH Corporate Art Collection, Changsha, China

michael binkley sculptor in stone changsha international sculpture art festival china
The Changsha Pilot Investment Holdings (CPIH) Company has purchased both of my sculptures, “Stallion” and “Blue Drake” to be part of their corporate art collection. This is particularly fitting, as 2014 is the Year of the Horse in China.

CPIH was the main sponsor of the inaugural Changsha International Sculpture Arts Festival 2014. I was on of the 21 sculptors from 17 countries to be invited to participate in the Festival, which saw us each produce a monumental sculpture for the city of Changsha, participate in cultural interchange and exhibit a few of our smaller works.

These smaller works were for show and sale in the new Science and Technology Building of the Yanghu Wetland Park. Due to a few technical problems, the exhibition did not yield the public and corporate response that we all hoped for. As a consolation, CPIH offered to purchase our works for their own collection, albeit at a reduced price.

I chose not to haul the heavy pieces back to Vancouver and accepted their offered purchase price. So there are now three more Binkley’s in China!