Binkley Sculpture Commission for a Professional Dancer
I was commissioned by patrons to carve a sculpture that they wanted to present to their daughter as a birthday gift. The recipient is a professional dancer and owner of the Howe Sound Dance Academy in Squamish, BC, Canada. My patrons sent me photographs of their daughter in action and their intent was to give an artwork that reflected her strength, power and feminine beauty.
My patrons admired my sculpture, “Awakening” for the concept of a female nude emerging from a raw stone. They also liked the material I used for “Heart.” So we three collaborated to arrive at the composition of a strong, elegant female emerging from a rock and supported by flowing drapery at her back. The composition consists of reflecting curves – the arch of the female’s body from toes to head are reversed in the arcs of her arms and the stylized lines of her flowing hair are echoed in the drapery at her back. The figure’s flowing curves are in contrast to the jagged angles of the rock from which she is emerging.
The marble is a variety that is quarried in Turkey and is a deep burgundy red with tiny flecks of white. I polished the figure to a silky smooth surface that is wonderful to touch and left grinder marks on the rock that I carved to look like a jagged stone. These two types of surface are a contrast to each other and allow the marble to successfully hold shadows. I mounted the sculpture on a charcoal black granite base with a hidden pin to counter the cantilever.
I named the sculpture after the recipient, and she informed me that she was very pleased with the sculpture and posted some photos of it on her Facebook page in her home.
This is another example of my ability to conceive a wonderful and unique presentation gift of fine art for you. If you have an occasion to give my art as a gift, please contact me.