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Binkley Tries 3D Printed Bronzed Steel Sculpture

michael binkley sculptor stone sculpture metal steel 3d print female torso

I’ve sculpted another virtual sculpture in ZBrush – this time an abstract female torso (above). I’m trying a new medium to realize a real sculpture in 3D printed bronzed steel.

After creating this sculpture virtually, I’ve sent the file to Shapeways, a 3D printing house in New York. I’ve chosen the medium of steel that will be 3D printed and then a bronze patina will be applied. The piece will be 100mm tall. After successfully uploading the virtual file to the Shapeways website, I got an email stating they could do the job. My file was anaylized to see if it was “watertight” (no holes in the mesh) and there were no delicate parts that might preclude a successful print.

When I receive it later this month in the mail, I will mount it on a square stone base. It is supposed to resemble a bronze casting, so we’ll see. This will be a test for me for Shapeways and this medium is a little less expensive than a bronze version. Shapeways can cast in bronze, but that version would be 3 times the cost.

If I like the steel results, I may give the bronze version a try.

What do you think of my design? Comment below…

Comments: 2

  • Peggy Hickling

    February 13, 2018

    Your design: well it makes my eye wonder all over it.
    Love the colour. Interesting concept. Lets see more……

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