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Eggshell Sculpture – “Which Came First?”

I came across this website and instantly became connected to this unique artist from the UK, Kyle Bean. First, I love his name (as it echos my pet name for one of our dogs, “the bean”), and second, his work is full of whimsey and technical know-how.  He specializes in modelling and hand crafts – I suppose he’s your man if you need the unique and interesting in smaller scale.

This chicken sculpture is called “Which Came First”, a great tongue-in-cheek play on words and I particularly like his bugs made out of matchsticks and the all-Hermes-packaging materials used for a display at Liberty.

Comments: 1

  • March 21, 2011

    The title of this piece is really funny, reminds me of the old argument about which truly came first, the egg or the chicken? This is unique and the artist took the liberty to make use of unconventional materials. Good job for the artist. Thanks for sharing this one.

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