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Elizabeth Gilbert on Creativity

I’ve always found creativity a thought provoking topic and Michael’s process as an Artist is powerfully connected to the idea of creativity and well, his sculptures are not always creative. I know, some of you may ask; “what kind of support are you not giving him?” The answer is not always a simple one.

I have often called out Michael on taking himself too seriously, but I acknowledge that this focused approach to his art is necessary, but doesn’t always result in a productive day in the studio. There is so much pressure he puts upon himself to always be creating something better and more worthy, but I ask, WHY? Why not be content with just creating – leave the appraisal of the artwork out of the process.

Elizabeth Gilbert sums up a nice approach to the pressure that many Artists feel in today’s culture. In a nutshell – Artists should HAVE a Muse, not BE a Muse. Watch this 19 minute video – very interesting!