Goodbye, Our Sweetheart Josie
Once again, Michelle and I have to say goodbye to one of our dogs.
In December, 1999, two soulful brown eyes quietly looked up to me from inside a chain link kennel at the local SPCA and captured my heart. Today, at 3:15 pm, those same soulful eyes closed for the last time, as I held her sweet head.
In between have been almost 13 glorious years, shared with a wonderful companion who lived life to the fullest.
Many years ago, Michelle said she wanted a dog she could call Josie. After we had grieved the passing of our black lab, Kiai we were ready to find a new little girl. We had decided we would adopt an adult, as they seem to be harder to find a home for. On that dark December evening, after we had looked at all the adult females at the Pound, I wanted to look down just one more row of kennels while Michelle waited in the lobby. I returned to her, crying.
“What have you found?” she asked.
“I think I found Josie,” I choked.
She was an eight week old puppy who had been abandoned by a dumpster. We brought her home and she fit in perfectly – even Miles, our lab cross of 5 years took to his new sister. Josie helped us to celebrate the last Christmas of the 20th Century and to herald in the new Millennium.
She was the first dog we crate trained and housebreaking was a breeze. She was always full of energy and loved her daily morning walks. She and Michelle enjoyed flyball and agility training together. She was an avid hiker and enjoyed many backwoods adventures with us. When Miles passed, she began to love swimming, as if she felt that sport was his domain to keep away from while he was alive.
She was not without her quirks. She hated when you coughed or cleared your throat and she was scared stiff of blow flies, the ice machine and Flicker woodpeckers. She would try to find a place to hide when she heard those noises. She was christened with many nicknames, like The Bean (when she first came to us, I could pick her up, curled in the palms of my hands like a little bean) , Bean Salad, Chop-Chop Salad, Whapper Bum, Jo-Jos, Squishington, and Cheeky Monkey.
When she was 7, she began to develop hip dysplasia, as she was a Shepard cross. We couldn’t bear to see such a wee soul suffer. Fortunately, I had a commission at the time handsome enough to allow us to give her two artificial hips. After her recovery, she was ever so thankful to be able to move and enjoy her life again.
In February of this year, we noticed a marked change. Her back and neck began to get very sore, so we started pain medication which helped her. Then the news came last week of a large aggressive tumour on her liver. This explained her drastic change in eating. We feel like bad parents, as we thought that change was due to the summer heat.
This loss is particularly hard, as Michelle is away on a cruise ship. We were hoping that Josie could hold out to say goodbye to her Mom face to face, but the cancer was too far gone. The type she had did not cause a gradual end to life, but a parabolic one, and she was suffering badly. Michelle was able to telephone from the ship and she and I agreed that we should help end her pain. Michelle was able to speak to Josie one last time. Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Chris Booth for helping Josie to cross over.
We thought she might live much longer, as she barely showed a grey hair on her chin and was bright and active. She and Michelle shared a special bond, as only two girls can. You could see her eyes sparkle just a little more around her Mom.
We’ll miss those beautiful eyes and the gorgeous soul behind them. We hope we gave her a good life and home. Goodbye, precious Josie….
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so very sorry for your loss…
Carrie Lazareff
My heart really aches for both you and Michelle. Your story of Josie is not too far different from my story of my little white shadow – Popcorn (Poppy), named by my son,when he was just 5. She had been an abused dog and I adopted her as an adolescent. She was a Maltipoo and lived her life with us until she was 17. She was the most loyal and loving friend that I have ever had. It’s been over 17 years now that she left us and I still miss her, especially when I see a dog that resembles her. Thank you for writing such a beautiful tribute to your Josie. Our pets are a brief gift to us to treasure. There is a wonderful healing story that you can google which is called something like ‘Rainbow’ which tells those of us, who are left behind, what happens to our pets when they leave us. Hugs to both of you.
Carrie – it’s called “The Rainbow Bridge” and is very touching, yes. Thank you for your thoughts.
sandi kalmar
Just saying her name used to make me smile. Josie had the ability to make me feel so warm and loving. No animal or person for that matter was more grateful when given a special gift. She would look at you with those beautiful soulful eyes and say “thank you” before trotting off with her newest proud possession.
Josie was gentle, loving, and had so much dog class. Many lovely animals have passed thru the Binkley household and all have been wonderful and God knows I have loved them all, but dear sweet Josie will be forever in my heart and I will always want to bring her a soft plush toy……..Josie, I will not forget when I see you next. Have fun my sweet with your lovely brothers, Miles and Rusty…………….Michael and Michelle my heart is with yours……………..Sandi
Glen Kalmar
Dear Michael & Michelle,
I know that no words can heal the pain in your heart at a time like this. Josie was a precious soul and you can take comfort in knowing that you gave her the most loving home and best health care that any dog could ever have. She had the sweetest temperament of any dog I have ever known and we are grateful that we could share some happy times with her and her “buddies” and we will treasure those memories forever. We know how sad you must be feeling at this sudden tragic turn of events but please remember that our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Love, Glen
Sandi & Glen
Thank you so very much. Josie had a special place in her heart for you both. She’s now watching over us all….