This abstract form is carved from a variety of marble that was quarried in Alaska, USA and is called bare aphrodite marble. It’s cousin, aphrodite marble has fossilized clam shells imbedded in it, but this variety is devoid of the shells. Both marbles have a slight pink hue to them. This inspired the rockhound who quarried the stone to name these marble varieties after the Greek goddess of love.
The Möbius Strip is a mathematical shape invented by the German mathematician of the same name and is a three dimensional depiction of a 2 dimensional object. It is essentially a loop with half a twist in it, which results in a one sided, one edged form.
The shadows that this sculpture casts are interesting and varied. It is most dramatic when lit near a window, so the movement of the sun as it crosses the sky causes ever changing shadow patterns. This artwork is secured to the base by a hidden stainless steel pin, but the sculpture can be turned on the pin to change the viewing attitude and therefore the shadows. The smooth matte surface of the sculpture allows for shadows to be held by the stone and is in contrast to the highly polished black granite base