Michael Binkley has carved this original fine art abstract stone sculpture which was inspired by a folded paper sculpture by Richard Sweeny, and is titled “Angel.” The abstract form suggests a female figure with its hourglass shape and the single triangular form at the back suggests a wing. Classically, angels are depicted with wings sprouting from their shoulder blades. The single edge that defines the front of the sculpture curves and undulates, giving a sense of the ethereal. Binkley has carved the sculpture so that viewer’s eye is carried from the base at the front, upwards to the top and around to the back of the sculpture. This long, continuous line is softened by the large and small curves and creates wonderful shadows.
“Angel” is carved from white marble from the Petacchi quarry at Carrara, Italy. Binkley selected the material while in Pietrasanta, Italy in 2008. This marble has striations of grey laced through the white background and this particular piece has a solid white vein, which he incorporated as a strong vertical element in this sculpture.
Binkley polished the surface of the sculpture to a silky smooth matte finish that is wonderful to the touch, and gives the marble the ability to hold shadow. The granite base is highly polished for contrast and to accentuate the beautiful deep black colour. The sculpture is secured to the base with a hidden steel pin, but is free to move so that the sculpture can be turned to any viewing angle.
This sculpture part of the public art collection aboard the Regent Seven Seas Explorer six-star cruise ship.