Michael Binkley sculpted this original fine art wildlife humpback whale from rainforest marble which is quarried on the mountains of the west coast of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. This Canadian marble has a characteristic cream coloured background with multi-hued veining and striations running through it. This particular piece shows striations of brown a black that give the appearance of wave shadows on a real humpback as it swims near the ocean’s surface. Binkley mounted the sculpture on a glass base with specially napped edges to emulate water and give the illusion that the humpback whale is suspended below the ocean waves.
The attitude of this humpback whale sculpture is very relaxed. The cetacean appears to be resting, with its tail and pectoral flippers hanging down. The whale’s body is slightly head down and this is the position that male humpbacks assume when they sing their unique courtship song to lure the attention of female mates.
Humpback whales are among the most studied of the whale family and Binkley regards them as truly majestic creatures.