Mermaid Sculpture Under Snow
As we say goodbye to the Winter season and hello to Spring, I thought it would be fun to share two shots of one of my sculptures under a dusting of the only snow of the past season. The photos were taken by my collector, Molly of her and her husband’s “Mermaid with Oyster and Pearl” sculpture which I carved for them last summer. The sculpture sits on their outdoor terrace and in early December 2014, Vancouver experienced the only snowfall in the city of this past winter. After the snowfall of the night before, Molly took these photos on the cold, brilliantly sunny day following. However, the temperature rose and the snow did not last much longer and was probably gone from the sculpture by sundown.
This past winter has been the warmest and driest in recent memory, even outdoing the winter of 2010, when Vancouver hosted the Winter Olympics, and the Organizers had to truck in snow to Cypress Mountain for some of the events. Sadly, the mountains that are the northern backdrop to our beautiful city have only had a white frosting of snow on them a few short moments this winter.