Next Generation of Sculpture Collectors
One of my patrons brought her school age granddaughter to the gallery to choose a sculpture for herself. I was flattered that both found my work worthy of their time, and I always welcome an opportunity to share my sculpture with a young mind. That someone considered my art worthy enough to want to introduce to and educate younger eyes, was a great compliment.
Young minds are void of preconceived notions or boundaries in art. To see a child walk among the sculptures in the gallery and to be able to touch objects she had never thought she would ever be allowed to was amazing. It gave me hope that the appreciation of art will continue on. The photo shows my new collector excitedly cradling her sculpture acquisition of a small bird.
It reminded me of seeing many families in the museums of cities we have visited in Europe, wherein the parents are sharing the aesthetic experience with their children. Whether they were encountering paintings, photographs, drawings or sculpture of any subject from landscapes to nudes, each art work was given attention in an educational, encouraging fashion. This was evident even though it was done in a language we could not understand. The parent holding the child’s hand and gently and calmly talking and pointing to various aspects of an artwork spoke volumes to us.
I wish this could be a more common site here in Vancouver, and the fact this simple vignette occurred in my gallery is rewarding.