In 2010, I celebrated my 30th anniversary Studio Show exhibition, and to mark the occasion, Michelle suggested that I re-introduce my two dimensional work to the mix. I decided to do only small scale, framed pen & ink and charcoal
In December, 2011, Mia Jagpal, producer and host of Telus’ myVancouver community program came to the gallery to interview me. As it is a television service provider, the CRTC requires that Telus provide community programming on their OptikTV service. Mia
Someone posted this quote on Facebook (apologies to the author - but I didn't see a credit), and I wanted to share it. This month for some reason we are talking about creative process in some of the posts, and
Earlier this year we started to get the word out that we are looking to compile an visual inventory of all the sculptures Michael has ever carved. We estimate that in his thirty years of carving, he has created over
Did you know that Michael Binkley can create a specific sculpture for you based on your parameters? These parameters may be site-specific with regards to space allotted, height envelope, interior design or personal taste. He can help guide you through
Michael Binkley is pleased to announce the official launch of his new website. After seven years, it was time for a redesign and complete overhaul. The emphasis was to present the sculptures over and above the numerous paragraphs of text
These hands belong to one Michael Binkley and he is fast at work here - not carving a beautiful sculpture, but working away in the office prepping photos and everything else for his new website. As part of my last
One of the visitors to the gallery made a comment during my recent 30th Anniversary Studio Show that I just had to address. She was referring to my collection of figure drawings on the gallery walls and said, “I know
By Michelle Binkley Rainer Maria Rilke was an Austrian poet who lived from 1875 to 1926. Often referred to as the most significant of German language poets, his writing has often been a place of solace, gritty honesty and baseline truth. Rilke's