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Vancouver, Canada’s Coldest Winter in Decades?

Binkley Water Fountain

All last fall, people were talking about how the winter of 2011/2012 was going to be one of the coldest and snowiest for Vancouver, Canada. As we are at the end of February, still without Vancouver’s classic one last cold snap before the break of spring, I recall that I had to remove snow once from our front path this winter. And even then, all I had to do was sweep – no shovel needed!

However, during that snowfall, we did have some cold temperatures that lasted a good week. So I was tickled when the owners of the granite garden fountain I created last summer emailed me a photo of their piece during the freeze. The water flow is plentiful enough to run the fountain during freezing temperatures and it is nice to know they enjoy the fountain year round.

In the photo, feathery icicles hang from the lip of the waterfall and ice cakes the splash zone stones while all about a powdery blanket of snow lays over the sleeping garden.

I thought it would be fun to share.